Monday 9 June 2008

iPhone takes over Twitter to an embarrassing degree

I just did a search for "iPhone" on Summize, the Twitter search engine, and was given a page of the 15 most recent "iPhone" tweets.  All 15 of them had been sent "less than ten seconds ago." 

Click the link yourself and you're likely to find the same, with maybe a few 20-second-ago tweets if you hit a slow moment. 

There was so much iPhone noise that some people said Twitter was strategically limiting extra services just to stay online for the whole speech.

Most of the chatter is repetitive declarations of joy, impending purchase, or disappointment.

"I am so going to get the new 3G iPhone," said one guy. "Already got [J]uly 11th off," agreed another. "Oh yes I will go get one," said a third, and a fourth declared that he was "salivating," and a fifth, "drooling."

And these tweets were all within about 2 minutes of one another.

When one Twitterer asked when the new iPhone was being announced, I couldn't tell if she was joking.  Thankfully, looks like she was.

I get it that the iPhone is neat and even an important part of the digital communications revolution -- but my goodness -- isn't there anything else to be excited about? You'd think Steve Jobs had just announced the release of the iTimeMachine or iTelepathy or iUniversalHealthCare.

For instance, check out a Summize search for Iraq -- some of the newest tweets are three hours old. Maybe Iraq would get more attention if they renamed it iRaq...

Whaddya think, Steve?

Steve Jobs unveils iPhone 2.0 and iPhone 3G

Around the Web 6.9.08: Fly a new iPhone


See Also